Saturday, October 2, 2010

Life as we know it!

Well what a week it has been. I thought I would take this opportunity not to rant about it but try and explain what has been happening that has made me go a little nutty this week.

For a while now, I've had some issues with my co-worker. Not major ones, but issues just the same. I have found that she is very unsupportive of change and new ideas being brought in to our room at the daycare. Plus she is just very negative. Whenever we have news of something we have to do, or more documentation to be done, she never stops complaining to anyone who will listen. Being the only other adult in the room, I get to hear most of it. I'm not saying she is a terrible person because she is not. But she is older, and from another culture. These things both add up to an unwillingness to change or to listen to a younger, albeit less experienced, worker. It's really frustrating and I find myself struggling to go in to work.

So I talked to my supervisor about it on Tuesday at a meeting just the two of us. She then asked my permission to discuss it with my partner. With the hopes that the issues may be resolved I said yes. However, after all of these things were revealed it only amplified the situation to a point where now she agrees to every suggestion or comment I make. Not only that she does it oozing with sarcasm and what I feel is derision. So now I feel like I'm being punished or belittled for having an opinion on how the room should be run or the activities that we should be providing.

In any case, it's been a tough week. But I'm still trying to stay positive. I'm not sure how long this goal will last, but I'm trying to be the optimist and not the pessimist. We have another meeting this week and I hope that I have the courage to express my feelings openly and with examples to back them up. Wish me luck on Tuesday as I go in to that.

Otherwise it hasn't been too bad of a week. Brad and I haven't had the chance to spend much time together as he has had exams and with his late classes.... we rarely see each other until after 7 at night. We eat and spend a few minutes together before heading to bed. But we are going to go and see a movie tonight which should be a lovely outing. We are going to go and see "Social Network".

We also went out to Sherwood Park last night and had the opportunity to watch my brother play volleyball. Granted it was junior high volleyball so it wasn't that exciting but we were there to support him anyways and it was a lovely evening out. It was followed by dinner and dessert at Kelsey's where we had a very nice chat with both my dad and my step-mom. Overall not a bad way to spend a Friday night.

Well that is about all from me for now. Our movie starts in less than an hour and I have yet to shower and get ready so I must be off.