Monday, July 12, 2010


Alright so we landed back on Alberta soil last night around 6:30 p.m. Surprise, surprise, it's raining again. We go from beautiful, hot, sunny, 37 degree weather in Ontario to back to work, cold, wet, miserable weather here in the land of the perpetual cloud.

Anyways, the rest of our week in Ontario was wonderful. We spent a lot of time just hanging out with Cat and Ryan. Brad flew in on Wednesday evening. We just hung around and relaxed that night. We made up dinner for Ryan and Cat (poor Ryan had to work til late). We stayed up fairly late and played Phase 10, chatted, and had some drinks. Thursday was the day we had planned on going down to Ohio and heading to Cedar Point but Ryan and Cat both had to work so we just hung around Windsor. We walked along the Riverfront. In the afternoon it poured rain so we stayed indoors and watched a movie. Thursday night Ryan, Cat, Amy, Brad, and I all piled into their tiny Ford Escape and headed back over the border to Detroit. Ryan and Cat took us to this great Mexican place called "On the Border" and the food was AMAZING!

Friday we slept in late, went to a movie (Knight and Day, see note below), and again hung out and drank.

Saturday was very difficult. We were up early and went to Wallaceburg for Gram and Uncle Rick's burials. It was a short service but it was brutal. I didn't realize how I felt about everything until we were there and dealing with it. I didn't realize that I was angry until I was going over it in my head. And I feel bad but, I was angry at Uncle Rick (well and dad) for telling us not to fly out to Ontario when Gram passed away at Christmas. Obviously we didn't know it then but it would have been another chance to see Uncle Rick. One last chance. I was angry because he couldn't hold on long enough for us to come out there last week. I'm trying to work through that and I know I'm not angry at him really. I love him too much to be angry at him. I know it wasn't his choice to be sick and have cancer. I know he would have loved it if we could have seen him again. I guess it will take some time to deal with. It hurts really bad. REALLY bad.

I suppose the good part of it was that all day Saturday we spent with our family that we never see. My dad's cousins, aunts, and uncles. My Gram's last remaining sibling (my aunty Jerri who I adore). We drove to Sarnia and went to the yacht club and put a whole bunch of picnic tables together. We ate food and partied until late afternoon. Then we got lost a couple times heading back to Windsor. But we finally got on the 401, got back to Windsor and headed out to Leamington to Aunty Linny's (Ryan's mom) and had more food and drank until around 11. It was a great way to end it all. We spent a lot of time with our family. Uncle Rick and Gram would have had a great time with us.

Obviously yesterday we flew home. Sad and very depressing. Only exacerbated by the fact that we arrived home to terrible rain and awful, sad, dreary, weather. But nonetheless we're back and in the swing of things. Went back to work today even though I was exhausted and nearly passed out. Luckily my amazing husband brought me coffee and saved my life!

Side note: Knight and Day, a little cheesy at parts but what a great role for Tom Cruise. I was very impressed and he pulls off the secret agent role well. Rather enjoyed it.

That's all for now though. I'm tired and heading to bed asap.

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